Thursday, April 2, 2009

Moving On...

Hello again!

Since my last substantial blog entry, I have relocated to Portland, Oregon... yes! I know!

Why? Well, I suppose the briefest answer is: wanderlust. To be less brief: I had such good memories of my time in Boston that I wanted to see if I could do it again, if I could leap headlong into a brand-new city and catch myself, midair.

I've not been taking sessions for the last few months, while I settle. Rather, I have been enjoying myself - and delectable sub toys - at play parties, club nights, dinner parties, and munches. A little mentoring and networking, volunteering with a charitable organization, and joining a chamber-music group have taken up odd free moments.

Now I'm ready to start playing.

I have my equipment and wardrobe at my fingertips, and access to the most beautiful playspace in Portland.

Come, join me. Let's create some unforgettable moments of kink!

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